This testimony is sent in grateful acknowledgment of what...

This testimony is sent in grateful acknowledgment of what an understanding of Christian Science has done for me. It has unfolded to me the wonderful truth that God is Love, and that He is an ever present help to all who know how to approach Him. Four years ago I was to material sense a mental and physical wreck, having labored under the illusion of so-called nervous exhaustion for about six years, and also under the bondage of the tobacco and drink habits, besides many other vices. The doctors were unable to help me; all they could advise was travel and rest, and this gave only temporary relief. I had given up all hope of receiving help from material sources and had reached that point where "man's extremity is God's opportunity," when through the efforts of kind friends I was induced to try Christian Science. Although I had no faith in this teaching, I was willing to have treatment. After a number of treatments, together with the study of the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mrs. Eddy, I awoke on the morning of May 11, 1912, to find myself completely healed of the old afflictions as well as of the habits and vices, and from that day to this I have tasted the joys of heaven.

I had not read the Bible for practically twenty-five years, but after my wonderful healing I became an ardent student of the Scriptures as they were illumined through the study of Science and Health. The light that appeared to me has been with me ever since, and has brought unbounded happiness, and the peace that passeth human understanding. The spiritual uplift far transcends the physical healing. My family have all become interested in Science, and through our understanding of man's relationship to God we have had many demonstrations of His infinite care for His children. For some time it was hard to realize that the kingdom of heaven could be enjoyed on earth now, but I have learned that it is a present possibility for all to avail themselves of "the glorious liberty of the children of God," and be free.

Words are inadequate to express my gratitude to God for His "lovingkindness and tender mercies," and surely I cannot be thankful enough to Mrs. Eddy, who through her unselfed love and sacrifice gave to suffering humanity our text-book.—Peter Peterson, Park Ridge, Ill.

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Testimony of Healing
Eleven years ago Christian Science healed my mother, who...
December 9, 1916

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