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Items of Interest
A question of interest all along the Great Lakes is whether the drainage canal at Chicago, in diverting water from Lake Michigan to carry Chicago's sewage down the Des Plaines River and thence to the Mississippi, is actually lowering the level of the Great Lakes so as to interface with commerce.
Christian Scientists are sometimes confronted with the suggestion that material organization is inconsistent with the ideal of spiritual freedom inculcated by Jesus the Christ.

Joy Overcomes Sorrow

In one of those striking passages which so often bring instant conviction of their truth to the readers of the textbook of Christian Science, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," Mrs.

Giving of Testimony

Two students of Christian Science had attended a Wednesday evening testimony meeting, and both felt that there had been something unsatisfactory about the service.

True Attraction

That children have to be amused in order to attract and hold their attention, is a time-worn belief to which we all have been in bondage more or less; and we find that this belief even tries to obtain a foothold in Christian Science Sunday schools, especially the smaller ones just starting in their work.

An Analogy

How often has a Christian Science practitioner been called to a home where he found the patient lying in a darkened room, a trained nurse by his side, with anxious relatives and possibly the doctor on guard at the door.


In nothing, perhaps, are the dominating tendencies of mortal mind more pronounced than in the manner in which one person would compel others to follow his prejudices and inclinations.
On <a class="tome-reference" href="https&#x3A;&#x2F;&#x2F;login.
The comments on Christian Science by a doctor of divinity now transiently in our city should have been discontinued long ago, for they have no point when the actual teachings of this religion are intelligently considered.
In a communication signed "Neutral," a contributor attributes to "a Christian Scientist" at a needle club the statement that she could "think a headache or severe illness on any one she cared to.
A local revivalist makes the charge that the fad and sham religions of today are the influences of hell which are trying to lead people down the paths to the lower world, that the majority of their members either become insane or infidels, and a further charge that Christian Science is such a religion.
A clergyman as reported in the Graphic, speaking of Christian Science, says that "it contains much that is extraordinarily valuable.
It is no mean undertaking for a scholastic theologian to speak or write dispassionately of a school that differs so widely from his own as does Christian Science.

All Mine

All mine the joys of Spirit—all mine to send abroadSome thought to help my neighbor, some truth about our God;Mine too the tender loving, the omnipresent care,The perfect understanding that Love is everywhere.

Spiritual Healing

Since the healing work of Christian Science has become a matter of such common knowledge as it is today, there has been increasing evidence that the older Christian denominations are under great stress to provide some means by which the healing work done by Christ Jesus and the early Christians will again become a part of the official work of the ministry of these denominations.

Choosing the Better Part

On the occasion of the dedication of the extension of The Mother Church in June, 1906, our Leader sent a message to the members entitled, "Choose Ye.

Holding Fast

In Paul's second epistle to Timothy he says, "Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me, in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus.
Geneva, Ill.

The Lectures

First Church of Christ, Scientist, on Prospect Street, was filled when John W.
Testimony of Healing

When I first heard of Christian Science many years ago, it...

When I first heard of Christian Science many years ago, it was presented to me in such a way that I took no notice of it.
Testimony of Healing
So much of help and encouragement has been received from the testimonies in the Christian Science periodicals that I pray my experience may help others.
Testimony of Healing
I wish to express my gratitude for what Christian Science has done for me.
Testimony of Healing
Reared in a Christian home and at an early age having united with the church of my parents, I had endeavored to live a Christian life, but that peace which I felt should accompany such a life was not experienced to the degree that I thought it should be.
Testimony of Healing
I feel very grateful for the knowledge I am gaining of Christian Science.
Testimony of Healing
This testimony is sent in grateful acknowledgment of what an understanding of Christian Science has done for me.
Testimony of Healing
Eleven years ago Christian Science healed my mother, who had been confined to bed for months with what the doctors called organic heart trouble.
Testimony of Healing

For a considerable period in my youthful days I vaguely...

For a considerable period in my youthful days I vaguely entertained the idea that I had been specially created to do as I pleased, in other words that I might do wrong how and when I would, and that somehow I should have little or no penalty to pay; but there was also at times the feeling that some day, a long, long way in the future, I must reform.
Testimony of Healing
"Woman, thou art loosed from thine infirmity.

From Our Exchanges

[The Christian Work]
The Christian Science Text-book, "Science and Health with Key to The Scriptures.

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