The report of an address by the dean of the school of...


The report of an address by the dean of the school of medicine of our state university misstates the facts regarding Christian Science and its Founder, Mary Baker Eddy. In the first place let it be understood that neither Christian Science nor Christian Scientists have any quarrel with the medical profession; most of us in our earlier years have had occasion to be grateful for the gentleness and kindness of the family physician and to appreciate his devotion to duty.

Indeed, as Christian Scientists we honor and respect all good and true men and women who have unselfishly labored in the cause of humanity, who have sought to relieve the distresses of the world in whatever form manifested and by whatever means or methods. This does not mean that we agree with them in their views and methods, but it does mean that we recognize and appreciate their earnest endeavors and sincerity of purpose,—certainly traits which Christian Scientists seek to cultivate, and which are not to be condemned. We therefore take no issue with the doctor as to the honor which should be accorded those of his profession whom he mentions, nor the amount of praise to which they may be entitled.

We may be pardoned, however, in submitting that the doctor might well have confined his comparisons to those of his profession. Particularly may we question the propriety of his effort to bring into comparison and contrast the Leader of a religious movement that within her lifetime encircled the globe, and that numbers among its adherents thousands upon thousands of earnest, sincere, and intelligent men and women. Mrs. Eddy's one great offense to theology and medicine has been that she inaugurated a religious awakening which has restored to religion the "lost element of healing" (Manual, p. 17) taught and practised by the Master, and has been the means of lifting sick and sinning humanity from a state of misery and suffering from which the present-day schools of theology and medicine offered no hope of relief except through death. Well might she ask with the Master, "For which of those works do ye stone me?"

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