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The Lectures
The introductory remarks of Arthur Smyth, J.P., at the lecture on Christian Science delivered by Virgil O. Strickler in the Protestant Hall, were as follows:—
It is close on two thousand years since Jesus the master Metaphysician walked the streets and byways of Judæa and Jerusalem, casting out devils and healing all manner of diseases. You will remember how the Jews hated him, and how they tried on every possible occasion to entangle him in his speech, and how wise and unanswerable were his replies to their hostile questions. They complained, among other things, that the great healing works which were done were performed through the agency of the devil, and the Master's reply rings clear today, after twenty centuries, fresh and irresistibly logical: "Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolution." We have proved that often, have we not? Evil cannot cast out evil; sick thoughts cannot cast out sickness. The devil is not likely to cast himself out. It was one of those splendidly clever replies that has become axiomatic for all time: A "house divided against itself shall not stand." And consider the natural corollary driven home by the Master: "If I with the finger of God," that is, the power of Truth, "cast out devils, no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you;" and of course it had, but they did not know it.
Are we any nearer the truth than they were? The same Christ is with us, and mighty works of healing are being done throughout the world through the power of Truth as taught in Christian Science. Here in our midst, every day, marvelous healings are taking place, and there are still to be found some who say they are of the devil. So history repeats itself, for if Christian Scientists by the power of Truth are casting out the devils of sin and sickness, "no doubt the kingdom of God is come upon you." Do not miss any opportunity of investigating Christian Science; it is worth the trouble. It will bring a joy into your life that no man can take from you; it is the "pearl of great price," which when a man has found, he will go and sell all he has to obtain it.
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January 22, 1916 issue
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Love at the Helm of Thought
Christian Education
Channels of Love
Lack Overcome
Spiritual Thinking and Its Effect
Lay of Truth
The recent attack of a local clergyman on Christian Science...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
The sermon of the clergyman recently reported in the...
Harry I. Hunt
In a somewhat extended article signed "Hippocrates," the...
Carl E. Herring
Simplicity of the Gospel
Archibald McLellan
Unceasing Progress
Annie M. Knott
A Saner Sense
John B. Willis
Lecture in The Mother Church
The Lectures
with contributions from Arthur Smyth, E. E. Boner, Clarence A. Nelson, Paul Shortridge, W. A. Marzolf, George S. Parker
I have experienced the healing power of Christ, Truth, as...
Emily S. Warren
Through much sorrow and mental anguish, as well as...
Gertrude Garbutt
In September, 1913, I was taken suddenly ill with pains in...
Ethlynn Williams Jay
In October, 1904, I was healed of an internal growth, the...
Bessie Esther Parker
For a long time I have felt it a duty as well as a privilege...
Lizzie S. De Waters
Christian Science came to me in an hour of great darkness
G. T. Anthony with contributions from Janet Paddison Anthony
Christian Science has brought so much love and peace into...
Thomas H. Carr
I feel it a duty as well as a privilege to send my testimony...
Frances C. Prindle
I am very grateful for the knowledge and understanding...
Eleanor M. Heckmann
About six years ago I was suddenly seized with spasmodic...
Auguste Kindermann
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Britton D. Weigle, John Hunter, John C. Seegers