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I send my testimony from a heart overflowing with gratitude...
I send my testimony from a heart overflowing with gratitude for all the blessings Christian Science has brought to my home. Over twelve years ago, while performing a surgical operation, my husband cut his hand, thus starting a serious infection. For over eight years we tried everything known to the highest medical authority, but to no avail. I was advised to place my husband in the hospital for further treatment, and did so, but was then informed that it would be necessary to amputate his right arm in order to stop the disease. I was heart-broken at this, and greatly worried financially, for I was without immediate funds, and I could earn but little with a small child clinging to me for support.
It was by mere chance that I met a lady who placed Science and Health in my hand and told me I would find healing and rest through the study of that book. As I went home I prayed that God would fill me with the knowledge to meet my terrible burden. After reading the chapter on Prayer, I went to the hospital and told the doctors I would not consent to the operation, and in a short time I took my husband home. Dazed as it seemed from the lack of supply, I scarcely knew what to do, but always turned to the text-book, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," and I soon realized I was the channel through which my husband's healing would come. He thought it best to go on a little farm for a time, and I was to remain at home to earn a living for my dear little boy.
In less than a year my husband was completely healed, but I was still under the sense of scant supply. Soon after his healing he came home, and I was called upon again to prove my faith by my works. He came to me perfectly well, but with no money or clothes or courage to start work again. The burden seemed more than I could endure, but again I turned to the chapter on Prayer and read that all things are possible with God. I at once borrowed the money to start possible with God. I at once borrowed the money to start him in his office, and from the first month the demands have been met. I thank God that I have been able to make these demonstrations, though with bleeding footsteps. I have had class instruction, and we who have been faithful and have proven our faith by our works, know that when the demonstrations are not made, the fault is never with Principle but rather with ourselves. It is my earnest prayer that every one who reads this testimony may be led to God through Christian Science.
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June 12, 1915 issue
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"Not as the world giveth"
"Begin to possess"
Right Standards
Transitional Periods
A Silent Sentry
"Awake thou that sleepest"
When a person who can write the word Reverend before...
Judge Clifford P. Smith
Some of the statements made by Dr.—in the course of...
J. Arnold Haughton
The Rev. Mr.—tells us that Christian Science is...
Thomas F. Watson
It is regrettable that any one should consider it necessary...
Charles E. Jarvis
A gentleman of Passaic asks, in a recent issue, "How can...
Robert S. Ross
Abundance of Good
Archibald McLellan
"A living sacrifice"
Annie M. Knott
The Peace of Good
John B. Willis
The Lectures
with contributions from Jeff Hassell, J. J. Paddock , Neely Powers, Harry H. Hess, R. C. Jackson, George G. Weaks, L. C. Nichols
It is with a sense of gratitude that I refer to the many...
L. L. Woodruff
When I first began the study of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures,"...
Mirtie E. Robertson
I send my testimony from a heart overflowing with gratitude...
Lucy L. Converse with contributions from Edmond D. Converse
It is indeed a great privilege to give to the world this...
Lillian E. Amann
It is nearly five years since I heard of Christian Science
Robert W. Sergel
"When angels visit us," Mrs. Eddy writes, "we do not...
Katharine Norton Pinkham
When Christian Science was brought to my attention by a...
Christina Gilbertson with contributions from David E. Gilbertson
I suffered for several years with severe anemia, which...
Antoinette Rheinwald
Words cannot tell what Christian Science has done and is...
Lulu M. Ballak
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from Wilberforce, James M. Whiton