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The Lectures
Clarence C. Eaton, a member of the Christian Science board of lectureship, delivered a lecture Friday evening [May 29] on Christian Science, under the auspices of The Mother Church, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Mass., in the church edifice. John C. Lathrop, first reader, introduced the lecturer, and said:—
It is observed that as the mission of Christian Science to humanity becomes better understood, and as the thoughts of mortals become prepared to receive it, this Science is embraced by a steadily increasing number with a whole-hearted and joyous acceptance, which assures ultimately the destruction of all human discords and the solution of every mortal problem. The world is restlessly and eagerly seeking to realize the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man, and to escape the persistent punishment of the ills and errors of the flesh. It finds in Christian Science an orderly, simple, and demonstrable system of Christian metaphysics, which, when understood, is proven to be the way to master these longstanding difficulties, to satisfy every good aspiration, and to meet all practical needs. Christian Science is a subject, therefore, which should engage the closest and most patient attention of all thinking persons.
The Christian Science Monitor.
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June 20, 1914 issue
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Annual Meeting of The Mother Church
with contributions from Dixon, John C. Lathrop, Adam H. Dickey, John V. Dittemore
Why do Christian Scientists go to Church?
Uses of Adversity
A correspondent who writes on the subject of "Healing by...
Frederick Dixon
In a recent report, in part, of a sermon delivered by the...
Brigman C. Odom
How beautiful the feet of those...
R. E. Key
Our Text-books
Archibald McLellan
Forgetting One's Self
Annie M. Knott
Perceiving the Ideal
John B. Willis
"Well done"
The Lectures
with contributions from John C. Lathrop, G. W. Allan, Richard P. Verrall, Harry H. Hess, Clarence W. Chadwick, Elmer E. Fulton, D. T. Collins
I had such a glorious proof, in the year 1911, of the all-sustaining...
Emily M. Christian with contributions from A. C. Spinti
I would like to tell what Christian Science has done for...
Kate Thompson Beard
It is now nearly twelve years since I first began the study...
Cecil F. Armstrong
I have most fervently desired wisdom and understanding,...
Elizabeth R. King
I wish to express my gratitude to Christian Science for...
Jennie Lauver Kevern
September, 1886, found me weary of life, for I could not...
I. Alice Talbot
My thought goes out in gratitude for physical healing and...
Marie B. Lyman
As written in the Monitor, "Thanksgiving is thanksliving,"...
L. D. MacGibeny
The following testimony is written in gratitude to God for...
Jeanne Demenga with contributions from A. H. Levy
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from J. H. Jowett, Nehemiah Boynton, Percy T. Olton, R. J. Campbell