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"Let your light so shine"
In these days of breaking away from customs and traditions, Christian Scientists, like every one else, are confronted with the lure of the extreme in dress, in amusements, and in the exploitation of the sexes which is now so popular through newspapers, magazines, current fiction, and the stage. That these things constitute dangers to be guarded against, just as surely as the danger which Mrs. Eddy saw thirty-one years ago, there can be no doubt. At that time she wrote, speaking from the standpoint of editor and publisher of the Christian Science magazine, which had just been given to the public,—
"Looking over the newspapers of the day, one naturally reflects that it is dangerous to live, so loaded with disease seems the very air. These descriptions carry fears to many minds, to be depicted in some future time upon the body. . . . If we can aid in abating suffering and diminishing sin, we shall have accomplished much; but if we can bring to the general thought this great fact that drugs do not, cannot, produce health and harmony, since 'in Him [Mind] we live, and move, and have our being,' we shall have done more" (Miscellaneous Writings, p. 7).
That in the succeeding years much has been accomplished in the wide-spread dissemination of the "healing, purifying thought" which the Christian Science periodicals have carried into such a multitude of homes all over the world, there can be no doubt, nor should there be any doubt that much can be accomplished at the present time by bringing to the general thought the fact that "man is not material; he is spiritual" (Science and Health, p. 468).
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March 14, 1914 issue
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Following Christ
A Retrospect
Remedy for Ghosts
Only a Dream
As reported by the newspapers within the last few days,...
William S. Campbell
In a recent issue of the Advertiser reference was made to...
David Anderson
In a recent issue the Rev.— writes: "The science of...
Richards Woolfenden
"Let your light so shine"
Archibald McLellan
Flesh and Spirit
Annie M. Knott
Things that Remain
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Arthur E. Miller, Emerson W. Baker, John F. Manning, R. A. Liverett
About June, 1906, while living in Chicago, a physical condition...
Mary Johnson Cheesman with contributions from Editor
For the past two years Christian Science has been our...
Martha Jacobs
The truth of the Scripture that "the Lord's hand is not...
J. Francis Stroup
It is with a heart full of gratitude for the daily blessings...
Mary Elizabeth Gordon
Two years ago I suffered with severe rheumatic pain
Louise Krieg
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from W. E. Orchard, Charles Stelzle