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In January, 1912, I was suffering from rheumatism, so I...
In January, 1912, I was suffering from rheumatism, so I wrote to a friend who had often spoken to me of Christian Science, asking her to get a practitioner to give me absent treatment, as I did not at that time know of any one near by. My friend gave me the address of a practitioner only eight or nine miles away, but by the time I received her letter I was feeling better, and did not trouble about it. In May of the same year I was again feeling very ill, and this time I applied for help to the one whose address I had secured, and was healed in three days. I can never be grateful enough for the patient, loving help this lady gave me, as I was just a beginner in Science, having attended only two services at that time. Since then, however, I have read Science and Health and have been woderfully helped. My husband is an invalid, and a very great deal depends upon me, but I find God a very present help in all times of need.
In 1912 I had attacks of abdominal trouble, and my husband, who is not a Scientist, became uneasy and sent for a doctor, who wanted me to have an operation as soon as possible; but I refused, and again had Christian Science treatment. I telegraphed for help, and the pain left me within an hour after the telegram was received. In a short time I was able to get up and attend to my household duties, and was absolutely well by the next day. I should like to say also, that I have had a good deal of financial worry; but the way has been opened, and I am not now anxious about temporal things in the way I used to be, for divine Love has met my every need.
I feel very grateful for all the help that has been granted me, and earnestly pray for a better understanding, that I may realize and know God's loving care. The truth of the promise, "There shall no evil befall thee," is indeed with us.
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March 14, 1914 issue
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Following Christ
A Retrospect
Remedy for Ghosts
Only a Dream
As reported by the newspapers within the last few days,...
William S. Campbell
In a recent issue of the Advertiser reference was made to...
David Anderson
In a recent issue the Rev.— writes: "The science of...
Richards Woolfenden
"Let your light so shine"
Archibald McLellan
Flesh and Spirit
Annie M. Knott
Things that Remain
John B. Willis
Admission to Membership in The Mother Church
John V. Dittemore
The Lectures
with contributions from Arthur E. Miller, Emerson W. Baker, John F. Manning, R. A. Liverett
About June, 1906, while living in Chicago, a physical condition...
Mary Johnson Cheesman with contributions from Editor
For the past two years Christian Science has been our...
Martha Jacobs
The truth of the Scripture that "the Lord's hand is not...
J. Francis Stroup
It is with a heart full of gratitude for the daily blessings...
Mary Elizabeth Gordon
Two years ago I suffered with severe rheumatic pain
Louise Krieg
From Our Exchanges
with contributions from W. E. Orchard, Charles Stelzle