Administration bills have been introduced in the House and Senate at Washington to make available for immediate development the coal, oil, phosphate, and potash deposits of the West along the lines of the Pinchot conservation theories.
semiannual recurrence of the Lesson-Sermon on Substance in "The Christian Science Quarterly," is an unfailing reminder that the first gleam of spiritual light which broke upon the present writer's thought came through Mrs.
the early history of the world, the indications of unseen power that men noticed about them seemed to them mysterious and supernatural, and they came to believe that the movements or the changes that they observed in wind, water, weather, sun, moon, stars, trees, flowers, or seed, were the effect of what they called "spirits.
The bill recently introduced in the Massachusetts Legislature to modify the strict terms of the present compulsory vaccination law, is commendable for several reasons.
Nothing could be farther from the fact than that the healing in Christian Science resembles any of the phases of belief in faith-cure or the efficacy of incantations.
As reported by the newspapers within the last few days, considerable interest has been aroused over the utterances of the venerable president emeritus of Harvard University regarding religious subjects.
In a recent issue of the Advertiser reference was made to Christian Science as a religion which grips by its immediate solace and which is growing in numbers in Australia.
these days of breaking away from customs and traditions, Christian Scientists, like every one else, are confronted with the lure of the extreme in dress, in amusements, and in the exploitation of the sexes which is now so popular through newspapers, magazines, current fiction, and the stage.
Mary Johnson Cheesman
with contributions from Editor
About June, 1906, while living in Chicago, a physical condition was manifested which occasioned much suffering and fear; and later, it seemed advisable to have a medical examination.
For the past two years Christian Science has been our only medicine; we have also turned to it to solve all our daily problems, no matter what their nature, and it has never failed us.
In January, 1912, I was suffering from rheumatism, so I wrote to a friend who had often spoken to me of Christian Science, asking her to get a practitioner to give me absent treatment, as I did not at that time know of any one near by.
The truth of the Scripture that "the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save," has been proved in our family many times during the twenty-four years in which we have been striving to assimilate the teachings of Christian Science.
To look upon the world with smiling eyes,To view my lot with joy, whate'er it seem,To know the truth, with all that this implies,To live, to act, not sit and idly dream:To envy none, to long for naught save thingsAbove the mortal, that shall satisfy,—Thus knows my heart the song contentment sings,And discontent shall pass unnoticed by.
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