The newcomer in the Christian Science church is often heard to remark upon the happy faces of those who attend the services, and this comment is well deserved, for surely no body of persons have greater reason to rejoice than have Christian Scientists. It might fittingly be said of them, in the words of the Apocalypse, "These are they which have come out of great tribulation," for in these large congregations there can hardly be found one person who has not left behind him some burden of physical or mental discord. No wonder, then, that their eyes shine, that their lips break into a ready smile, that their hand-clasp is cordial and sincere. A long-faced Christian Scientist would be an anomaly.

Occasionally, however, one comes across a student of Christian Science to whom this description would not apply. He is a regular attendant at the services, is possibly a church-member, and cases have been known where he even holds some official position among the various activities of the church organization; yet his face habitually wears a look which seems strangely out of keeping with all that his lips profess. Asked a reason for his general air of gloom, his answer, nine times out of ten, is this: "I have so much to meet." And having thus spoken, he continues with a sigh his joyless way, evidently satisfied that this brief explanation has been sufficient. This expression is familiar to most of us; in fact, it is quite possible that we ourselves have been known to make use of it in moments of depression, when we seemed to forget that "the government shall be upon his shoulder," but evidently believed that it was resting all too heavily upon our own. Before we employ this term again, however, let us analyze its meaning somewhat.

"So much to meet." So much what? So much truth or so much error? Each Sunday we stand in church while the scientific statement of being is read, and silently acquiesce to the fact that "all is infinite Mind and its infinite manifestation, for God is All-in-all" (Science and Health, p. 468), because we know that upon this tremendous verity rests the entire superstructure of the Christian Science religion. This being true, it must follow that God and His infinite manifestation is all that we have to meet. Is this what we mean? If our face is long or our eyes refuse to smile, is it because we have "so much to meet" of Life, Truth, and Love, with all the varied expressions of infinite and unfailing goodness?

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June 28, 1913

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