Government ownership or control of telegraph lines is again recommended by Postmaster-General Hitchcock in his complete annual report transmitted to Congress.
teaching of Christian Science concerning evil is sometimes criticized by those who fail to see the distinction which it makes between the spiritual and the material.
years ago a man employed by a mercantile firm became subject to discouragement, following an occurrence which made impossible the fruition of a cherished hope.
Christ Jesus was commissioning his disciples for their great work of healing the ills of mankind, he said, respecting the prospective difficulties which mere human wisdom could not cope with, "It shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.
of our past education and environment we have been accustomed to think of money as the basis of our supply, and the human mind insists that it is; whereas supply is found in the intelligence which enables us to solve the problems that confront us.
One of the most interesting developments of newspaper enterprise of recent years is the phenomenal success of a Boston two-cent daily newspaper, The Christian Science Monitor, which is not a proselytizing sheet or a religious paper in the usual meaning of the term, but a genuine, up-to-date newspaper of the highest class.
The whole of the vast volume of healing work that is being achieved in Christian Science is being accomplished through the understanding of God as the only Life, and consequently of true health as one of His manifestations.
is not always borne in mind that perfection is a demand of Principle which applies to all we think, say, and do, from the least thing to the greatest, and that lapses from obedience to this demand are sure to cost us dear.
As I recall the past, consider the present, and read in the Bible the promises to all who love and obey God, my heart goes out in gratitude and love to our revered Leader for her interpretation of the Scriptures as given in Science and Health.
I wish to express my gratitude for Christian Science, not only in the physical help given me, but for the understanding of the truth which I have gained through its teaching.
I am certainly thankful it is my privilege to know something of Christian Science, and I wish to take this opportunity to express my gratitude for the many blessings which have come to my home through the study of this wonderful truth.
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