Like a great many others, I have good reason to be deeply...

Like a great many others, I have good reason to be deeply grateful for Christian Science, and many times I have hungered to ex-press my gratitude through the Sentinel. I was raised from despair and various forms of disease, my physician telling me frankly that I had serious lung trouble. Three or four weeks after this verdict a friend said she had a book which she would like to have me read. I replied that I had given up all reading and would not promise to read it, but after she left I opened this book that I knew nothing about, and these words caught my eye: "Mortal existence is a dream of pain and pleasure in matter, a dream of sin, sickness, and death" (p.188). Quick as thought I closed the book, feeling that I wanted no more of it, but as wisdom bade Moses go back and pick up the rod, I again opened the book, but this time I read: "Glory be to God, and peace to the struggling hearts" (p. 45). If I should try to express the feeling of joy which came to me, I would say it was like the coming of a great light in which I saw "God and his Christ," and I was free!

This was over ten years ago, and I am still reading not only Science and Health and our Leader's other writings, but also the Sentinel and Journal, and I rejoice to know of the many who have been brought into the glorious liberty of the children of God as I was.

Mrs. L. M. McGregor, Exeter, Neb.

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Testimony of Healing
Last winter I had a felon on my thumb which caused me...
February 10, 1912

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