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I feel grateful for all the blessings Christian Science has...
I feel grateful for all the blessings Christian Science has brought to me. Some five years ago I was in a most miserable condition, suffering continually from headaches, which at times seemed almost unbearable. I was also of a very peevish, irritable disposition, making myself as well as those about me very unhappy. The remedies prescribed by our family physician were of no avail. I also consulted a leading oculist in our city, who fitted glasses to my eyes, and advised me to wear them constantly, as he said they would alleviate the pain in my head, but to my disappointment they did not bring the desired relief. About this time a great sorrow came to me, one I had much dreaded,—the loss of my dear mother. It was then that I first heard favorably of Christian Science. A friend came to our home to comfort us in our affliction, and in my hopeless grief, I begged her to help me, which she did, as no one but a Christian Scientist could, and for the first time in my life I experienced in part the peace that passeth understanding. In a short time, with the assistance of this practitioner, the chronic headache was destroyed, and with it went the tendency to irritability. The Master said, "Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." Only those who have experienced this freedom can appreciate those words and fully understand their meaning. I can truthfully say that all I have of health and happiness I owe to Christian Science. I now rejoice in an understanding of the Bible and a love for God and man which I never expected to have before knowing of Christian Science. Our periodicals are a constant source of help and comfort to me.—Miss Winifred G. Pierce, Milwaukee, Wis.
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March 31, 1906 issue
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Quest and Questionings
Jealousy Overcome
Love's Sufficiency
No one will dispute for a moment that the greatest need...
Albert E. Miller
Among the Churches
with contributions from H. E. Weaver, I. Alice Talbot, Blanche Irene Marshall
The Lectures
with contributions from E. S. Clark, R. S. Kellerman, Edward H. Holmes
Our Leader's Tribute to the Bible
Editor with contributions from Mary Baker Eddy, Edward J. Wessels, Lewis C. Strang
Sin its own Punishment
Archibald McLellan
"Remember Lot's wife"
Annie M. Knott
Christian Science Reading for the Blind
with contributions from Jennie M. Hayes, Lewis C. Strang
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from J. A. Mitchell, John B. Willis
In February, 1895, I became ill with the grip; and as I...
Robert O. Campbell
Four years ago, when first told of the healing power of...
H.L. Burgess with contributions from Mary M. Beavis
In passing through many and severe diseases I went from...
Georgine Geissler
I desire to express gratitude for the many blessings...
Andrew H. Rundstaller
Our little boy was taken down with scarlet fever one day...
Carl H. Pierce with contributions from Emma Palmer Hotchkin
Not the least of our many blessings in Christian Science...
Frances P. De la Vergne
I feel grateful for all the blessings Christian Science has...
Winifred G. Pierce
It is over eight years since the light of Truth began to...
N. Bessie Nuckolls
From our Exchanges
with contributions from William N. Clarke, J. Worsley Austin, Charles H. Leonard
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase