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It used to puzzle me so much why God did not heal the...
It used to puzzle me so much why God did not heal the sick now as He did in olden times. Now, I know He does. How thankful I am for the understanding of Truth gained in Christian Science. This understanding has made me a better woman,—it has brought me nearer to God, and taught me to love my fellow-men. I have seen many healed through Christian Science. One case in particular I will mention, that of my grandchild, who was healed of blood-poisoning. Three physicians held a consultation over her and decided they could do no more. One of the doctors told me that the tissues in her body were breaking down. The blood came from her nose, bowels, and kidneys. I had been nursing for years, had given a great deal of my time to the study of medical books, and the child looked as if she could not live until morning. I then knew very little of Christian Science, but my sister-in-law had been healed after all the physicians had given her up to die. I had told the mother about Christian Science before, and she was willing to try it. When the doctors gave no hope, we telegraphed to the practitioner that evening. The child rested all night and slept, and how we realized the presence of God! We all felt very happy, especially the mother and myself. In a short time the child called for food, got up and was dressed, asked for her slate and pencil, and was well. Later she had some trouble, and said that she wanted the lady to pray for her as before. She is well to-day and we know that her desire for the Christian Science prayer brought her the help.
I thank God for this wonderful truth that has made me so happy. Our love for our dear Leader is growing more each day, seeing how faithful she has been in following Christ's footsteps. She has made it plain in Science and Health, that the promises in the Bible are for us to-day as well as for those in olden times, and that this healing is for all nations.—Mrs. Anna Johns, Cotter, Ia.
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September 9, 1905 issue
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A Holy Habitation
Why Science First Appealed to Me
"This kind can come out by nothing, save by prayer"
"The way of salvation"
Eternal Punishment
Alfred Farlow
The philosophy of Christian Science is idealistic, that is,...
G. Howard Wilson
Does not our critic see that if sin is real, then every time...
Charles D. Reynolds
The Lectures
with contributions from Esther Watson, John V. Dittemore, T. W. Illman, Lewis C. Strang
"Proof, security, and authority"
John E. Fellers
The Views of a Physician
Archibald McLellan
Peace and Progress
Annie M. Knott
In Him We Move
John B. Willis
Letters to our Leader
Franc B. Curry with contributions from Margaret Harley, Daise G. Molony, Emma De Prosse, Wm. M. Goodwin
It seems to me that the time has come when I should give...
Isaac S. Ambrose
It is with a heart full of gratitude that I write of what...
Alice G. Klein
While still confronted with problems that seem unsolved,...
Effie J. Fletcher
My best expression of gratitude to our dear Leader, Mrs. Eddy,...
Charlotte Cresswell
After an unsuccessful operation, I turned to Christian Science,...
Virginia H. Remmer
I feel impelled to write of the blessings which are mine...
Fanny G. T. Miles
From our Exchanges
with contributions from W. F. Whitlock, W. J. Dawson
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase