"In remembrance of me."

With the near approach of the annual Communion of The Mother Church many sacred memories gather to remind us of the experiences which have brought us to the present hour,—the paths by which we have been led from the plains of sense to the mount of vision. We may recall some dark days, days when the storm-clouds threatened disaster, when the way was rough and the goal uncertain, and worst of all, when much-needed guidance seemed to be denied us. In the darkest hours, however, an angel of His presence, whose name is Duty, ever went before us, which, when followed, made our progress not only possible but certain. At times it may have seemed that we were sorely urged, that our strength and purpose would fail, but anon, fresh inspiration came with the Master's words. "This do in remembrance of me." When the lowliest duty was performed with this thought for inspiration, then did it become big with meaning—even "Our common daily life divine." By this ascending way many have been led to those spiritual heights where God is revealed in Christian Science. In the ratio of our faithfulness to duty in the past, and to what some one has named "the sacrament of our daily industry," were gleams of glory vouchsafed us in some of the ordinances of religion, and with these came an ever-increasing desire to trace more clearly the footprints of the great Teacher.

With the healing of disease and sin through Christian Science, has come the sweet assurance of Truth's perpetual presence, and when one who has thus been blessed asks what he may do to express his gratitude to God and to Christ Jesus, the answer is at hand, "Heal the sick." Unless one in this age had heard and heeded this command of the Master, there were thousands still walking in darkness and in the shadow of death, who, through our Leader's obedience and love, are now rejoicing in the liberty wherewith Christ makes free.

In following the Saviour's example we can do no other than heal the sick, the sinful, and the sorrowing at every opportunity which presents itself, and if human sense shrinks from the effort required, perchance from the world's scorn, these touching and tender words come down through the long years, "This do in remembrance of me." Every Christian Scientist who endeavors to heal the sick in accordance with the Christ-teaching, realizes, wherever he may be, that "union and communion" with divine Love which enables him to say, as did the patriarch, "Surely the Lord is in this place." If, in the endeavor to follow Christ, the bitterest trials should come, if absolute self-surrender be the requirement of the hour, the meek and lowly spirit of the Master, manifested by us, will lead to the victory of Soul over sense, for we serve the Cause of Truth not only on behalf of suffering humanity, but also, as he said at the last supper, in remembrance of him.

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"Open thy mouth wide."
June 10, 1905

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