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It is eight years since I first began to investigate Christian Science
It is eight years since I first began to investigate Christian Science. The first truth I grasped was that God is good and that He is all; hence all that is real is good (Science and Health, p. 113), and with that I began to demonstrate over sickness. It is still the foundation of my understanding, and becomes clearer with time. I have been helped so much by reading the demonstrations of others that I have often thought I would like to tell the Field some of the blessings which have occurred to me through Christian Science. Not long ago it was suggested, that if our problem seemed hard to demonstrate, we review our experiences of the past and gain courage thereby.
I soon had an opportunity to test this plan. I was awakened in the night by that unmistakable croup cough. My first sense was terror, but instantly it came to me to recall, as David did, how many times I had been delivered from the paw of the lion and the bear, and I was able to say, I have no fear, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind." I heard no more of the error, for the demonstration was made in less time than it takes me to write it. I fell asleep rejoicing in the truth that makes us free. I will speak of one more experience. I was reading in "Retrospection and Introspection," and came to this statement: "If you fall asleep, actually conscious of the Truth of Christian Science.—namely, that man's harmony is no more to be invaded than the rhythm of the universe.—you cannot awake in fear or suffering of any sort" (p. 84). "That is wonderful," I said, "and I must get the exact words fixed in my mind." A few nights later. I retired with a sense of pain in my right lung, so that I was unable to draw a long breath. I thought of the children sleeping upstairs, and to satisfy myself of their perfect safety, I recalled that which I had learned from "Retrospection and Introspection." and it then seemed to me the most remarkable statement our Leader had ever made. I instantly noticed that the pain was entirely gone and I knew it was Truth that had healed me, for I was not thinking of a demonstration. I desire to live and reflect this truth so that others may be attracted to it.
Mrs. J. A. R., Howell, Mich.
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September 17, 1904 issue
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"For we be brethren"
"The faith that will not shrink"
J. A. B.
"Spiritual Co-operation"
Hold Fast
Do Christian Scientists Ignore the Material Universe?
Alfred Farlow
Christian Science can hardly be considered outside the...
Evelyn Sylvester Knowles
The Lectures
with contributions from Emily L. Cameron, Mr. D. S. Robb, Emerson
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Margaret J. Bishop, Julia Ruggles, Lloyd B. Coate, Harriet M. Martin, Alice E. Lyons
In December, 1899, I saw for the first time a copy of...
L. S. Channell
Many years ago, when I first heard of Christian Science,...
Ada C. Merrill
Nearly a year ago my little boy was brought home from...
Carrie R. Peck
I feel like a prodigal coming forward to acknowledge a...
Mattie S. Richardson
Ten years ago my sister came to the college town where...
Mabel Clara Robbins
I have long desired to express my gratitude for what...
Newton R. Fuller with contributions from Maud R. Hartz
While I am a Christian Scientist and have been a class...
Jesse H. Lockhart
In a recent article in the Sentinel some one reminded...
Katrine Krudop with contributions from George A. Gordon
From our Exchanges
with contributions from James Orr, Philip S. Moxom
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase