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God's protection, as revealed through the teachings of...
God's protection, as revealed through the teachings of Christian Science, is proven to us every day. I would like to relate one incident which happened in our family not long ago. Our little daughter was leaning over the back veranda railing, when in some way she lost her balance and was plunged headlong to the ground, a distance of about ten feet, right into a rose-bed. She struck on her head, making quite a hole in the earth. A maid who saw her go down rushed to her assistance, but found her scrambling to her feet and exclaiming, "I am not hurt one bit." She was brought into the house, continuing to exclaim, "I am not hurt," as much as her mouth, filled with dirt, would allow. She was not harmed or even scratched in any way. After I had read to her from Science and Health at her request, she went to bed and slept soundly as usual until morning.
The next day she said to me, "Mamma, if I hadn't known Christian Science I might have been badly hurt yesterday," and when asked as to what she thought when falling, she replied, "I knew it couldn't hurt me." Those words from our text-book, found on page 14, are recalled: "Become conscious for a single moment that Life and intelligence are purely spiritual.—neither in nor of matter,—and the body will then utter no complaints."
I have seen many ills overcome in our family, and I am thankful for both the physical healing and the spiritual uplifting. Words fail to express my gratitude to our dear Leader, who so patiently and lovingly guides us. I am also grateful for the periodicals which are so helpful to us.
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September 17, 1904 issue
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"For we be brethren"
"The faith that will not shrink"
J. A. B.
"Spiritual Co-operation"
Hold Fast
Do Christian Scientists Ignore the Material Universe?
Alfred Farlow
Christian Science can hardly be considered outside the...
Evelyn Sylvester Knowles
The Lectures
with contributions from Emily L. Cameron, Mr. D. S. Robb, Emerson
Letters to our Leader
with contributions from Margaret J. Bishop, Julia Ruggles, Lloyd B. Coate, Harriet M. Martin, Alice E. Lyons
In December, 1899, I saw for the first time a copy of...
L. S. Channell
Many years ago, when I first heard of Christian Science,...
Ada C. Merrill
Nearly a year ago my little boy was brought home from...
Carrie R. Peck
I feel like a prodigal coming forward to acknowledge a...
Mattie S. Richardson
Ten years ago my sister came to the college town where...
Mabel Clara Robbins
I have long desired to express my gratitude for what...
Newton R. Fuller with contributions from Maud R. Hartz
While I am a Christian Scientist and have been a class...
Jesse H. Lockhart
In a recent article in the Sentinel some one reminded...
Katrine Krudop with contributions from George A. Gordon
From our Exchanges
with contributions from James Orr, Philip S. Moxom
with contributions from Stephen A. Chase