Whatever there may be in the contention as to whether or not healing the sinful and sick demonstrates the truth of Christian Science, this much is certain: the sinful and sick are healed by the application of this faith, and this fact is the only evidence to the practitioner that he really understands the Science, and is the only proof to him that his argument that God, Spirit, is the only real Life, substance, and intelligence, is true; while the claim that lesser powers can produce and maintain sin and sickness, is false.
One of the greatest mistakes that the critics of Christian Science make is "that the followers are impelled to throw away the experience of the ages and discredit their own senses.
Christian Science has spread because of the great good that comes to those who accept it, and because of the large number of successes in proportion to the failures; and the world will judge it by its successes and not by its failures.
It makes no difference to the Christian Scientist whether our physical ailments are traceable to functional or organic disease or to hysteria, the fact remains that the people are healed and they give the glory and praise to God.
has been the custom of the Christian church for so many centuries to sit and wait for the personal second coming of Jesus, that the question is seldom discussed within the church whether that position of expectancy is properly authorized by the teachings of Christ Jesus himself.
boy who struggles with a difficult problem, working hard to apply correctly the rules he has already learned, or to understand those more advanced which may be necessary to complete his work; who turns back after repeated failure to begin again with the knowledge gained from these experiences, and who at last after earnest, careful, steadfast work arrives at the correct solution, has made a scientific demonstration as well as the more fortunate scholar who, with less time and labor, may have reached the same end.
Ella Shaser
with contributions from Lucy Holtzclaw
The sense of Truth, Life, and Love, gained from the study of this Manual, has enabled me to see a case of pneumonia, of very severe form, disappear like mist before the sunlight, and that, too, within a few hours.
religious propaganda which Jesus inaugurated and which has constituted so important a feature of Christian history, is earth's noblest enterprise, and it has been conducted, for the most part, by men and women who have shown a degree of heroism, self-sacrifice, and devotion which has made all mankind their debtors.
the close of Jesus ministry he took occasion to warn his followers against the false Christs which would come in his name, claiming identity with his teaching and work, and he said, "Take heed lest any man deceive you.
It has been my privilege to attend Christian Science meetings in many different places, and it is possible that the Field would be interested to hear regarding it.
It would be different for me to condense into one article the many benefits I have received from Christian Science, but I will tell of one demonstration which was to me a beautiful proof of divine protection.
For fifteen years I had suffered with articular rheumatism, and in spite of all the medical assistance which I had employed from far and near, and the so-called natural method of healing, and home remedies, there seemed to be no help for me.
When I first asked assistance in Christian Science, two years ago, I was suffering from inaction of the bowels, Remedial and mechanical means had ceased to give relief.
E. D. Daniels
with contributions from Charles Prospero Fagnini
If the garb of profession and mere doing good to be seen of men were removed, and all concerned were to appear as they are in the sight of heaven, it might be found that the criminal who stands behind prison bars is far less a thief than many a respectable church-goer who sits in a luxurious pew.
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