The United States Legation at Constantinople has received an exhaustive report of the recent incident at Alexandretta, fully convicting the local authorities and police of making an unwarranted attack on Consul Davis and of arbitrary interference with him in pursuit of his duties in connection with Attarian, the naturalized American, who was about to embark for Egypt under the protection of the consul, but who was arrested by the Turkish authorities.
with contributions from Seth Low, H. C. Potter, Edward S. Andrews, C.C. Creegan, Henry O.Dwight, Charles H. Parkhurst, John P. Peters, Wm. Hayes Ward, David J. Burrell, J. Ross Stevenson, Morris K. Jesup, Robert S. MacArthur, John S. Kennedy, George W. Wickersham, Everett P. Wheeler
appeals in behalf of destitute and suffering humanity have always proved ready passports to the hearts and purses of Christian Scientists, therefore it is to be expected that a generous and loving response will be made to the call for contributions in aid of the unfortunate people of Macedonia, issued by a committee of which Mayor Low of New York is the head.
who have been inveighing against spiritual healing because of its faith element, and who have declared that this renders its claim to be scientific "wholly ridiculous," have been vigorously called to order by the editor of a leading news journal who ventures to remind them that this faith element enters very largely into all "orthodox doctoring.
is surely most fitting that between the ebbing and the flowing tides of each year, humanity should pause and think upon that great event which wrought such changes in the history of the race,—the birth of Jesus of Nazareth.
In gratitude for the help and blessings which the study of Christian Science has brought to me, I will here gladly state my experiences; and the thought that others, who are longing for light and truth may be benefited by it, makes this task an easy one.
For eight years I have been learning, through the teachings of Christian Science, something of what Life is, and something of the meaning of Jesus' words, "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.
In the year 1902, I read in a church calendar a malicious squib about Christian Science and did not think much of it, because it seemed nothing new to me to read about conflicting opinions of different religious denominations.
When I was about the age of twelve, my father, who was a devout Christian, desired me to unite with an orthodox church, of which he and my mother had been members for many years.
For many years before learning of Christian Science I had suffered from indigestion in a severe form, which gradually became chronic, and for which I tried numberless remedies without result.
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with contributions from Seth Low, H. C. Potter, Edward S. Andrews, C.C. Creegan, Henry O.Dwight, Charles H. Parkhurst, John P. Peters, Wm. Hayes Ward, David J. Burrell, J. Ross Stevenson, Morris K. Jesup, Robert S. MacArthur, John S. Kennedy, George W. Wickersham, Everett P. Wheeler