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Prison Work
Thinking it may be of interest to the Field to know something of the results of the work in our state prison I send the enclosed letter from those who are making a study of Christian Science in the Washington State Penitentiary, located in Walla Walla. We meet these men each Sunday and read the lesson with them. They are each supplied with a copy of "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," the Bible, and the Quarterly. We read the lesson text responsively, then have silent prayer followed by the Lord's Prayer and its spiritual interpretation, from Science and Health, then the Lesson-Sermon, closing with the Scientific Statement of Being, repeated in unison. The men bring their books into the class and turn with the reader to each reference. They give their thought as to the topic of each citation, showing study and thoughtfulness.
Several of the men own a levant Science and Health and subscribe for the Quarterly. The writer of the enclosed letter has also a cloth edition of Science and Health to loan. As some of the men have no means to buy any of the literature, the class took up a collection and subscribed for one copy of the Journal and two copies of the Sentinel, and also pay for the Quarterlies. Two men have "Miscellaneous Writings," and several have "Unity of Good." All the men who have been in the class any length of time have overcome the use of tobacco. One man said, "I found in reading the 'little book' that I could not be a Christian Scientist and continue to use tobacco." In three days overcame the habit which had held him for more than twenty years. He was also healed of a "tobacco heart."
This man was one of two first began to read Science and Health; and Christian Science came to him just in time to prevent having one of his legs amputated. It had already been opened and the bone scraped, but at the time they decided to amputate the limb he knew a little of this Truth, and would not submit to the operation. An officer said to me, "He cannot live long, and will only be a burden. I wish he might obtain a pardon." Instead of being a burden he was healed through his study of Science and Health, and in place of spending so much time in the hospital has been able to attend to all his duties, and has done much to interest others. Through him the Indian, who wrote the enclosed letter purchased the "little book" and was healed of consumption, before he came into the class. I do not think any one who has not done work of this kind can appreciate what a ray of light, hope, and comfort Christian Science brings into their darkened lives, transforming their hopeless faces and attitude into cheerful, smiling countenances,—indeed, giving them a "lively hope" as they grow in the understanding and demonstration of divine Love which "corrects and governs man" (Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker G. Eddy, p. 311). As soon as one man becomes interested and begins to get glimpses of what Christian Science really is, he becomes a missionary to some one else, and when they are sufficiently interested to study the lesson they have the privilege of coming to our service, and are furnished with the necessary books.
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August 23, 1900 issue
View Issue-
Among the Churches
Carol Norton
with contributions from Lacordaire
The Legationers
In Defence of Christian Science
Edward E. Norwood
I Will Not Fear
Prison Work
BY M. A. O.
Found God a Present Help
E. H. Gilkey
Healed Physically and Morally
Justus Straub
Received the Blessing
Annie F. Lonsdale
An Expression of Gratitude
Blanche Stilson with contributions from Sarah J. Berry
Healed without an Operation
Mattie Watson
Religious Items
with contributions from William Cowper