Passing Thoughts

Every morning you stretch out your hands to God, and He gives you a new day to use and to give an account of. You are not to eat for a whole year on this day,—"Give us this day our daily bread." You are not to labor or suffer for a whole year, but only for the day,—"Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." You are only to make this day as perfect as possible. Grace and strength come day by day, just as bodily food comes. You cannot get grace enough to resist a year's temptation at once; you don't need to. You can and must gather it as the Israelites did the manna, the day's portion in his day. So life comes to us, its lessons not all to be learned at once, its temptations, work, joy, sufferings not all crowding upon us at once to overwhelm us, but only the day's portion in the day. We are responsible for to-day, to-morrow is God's. Don't walk a long journey all at once; take one step at a time. It wearies one to calculate the labor of hours in a minute. Rev. J. H. Bliss.

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New Edition of the Manual
April 26, 1900

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