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The Question of Remuneration
Recently a lecture on Christian Science was given in Salem, Oregon, and it seems to have awakened much interest in the churches. Several sermons and communications attacking Christian Science were published in the papers of Salem, and the latest contribution is a defense of Christian Science by one who is not a Scientist.
The following is an extract from an article clipped from the Daily Capitol Journal:—
Much stress and careful computation of figures were given to show it was money that rules the practitioner in Christian Science, and not the love of God or fellow-man, and all this in direct violation of the teaching of the Bible, wherein it is commanded to go forth and preach unto the world without price. Now in this case the Christian Science doctor heals both sickness and sin for a consideration, we will say. The Orthodox minister heals one of sin (but not sickness), also for a consideration. The Bible teaches both of these disciples to heal without price. Yet neither do. Why? The answer is self-evident, that every one has to live, and while the money is not considered as a special price put on the services rendered, it must be had by both of those disciples if they expect to live and enjoy any comfort of life, and fit themselves to go forth and preach unto the world. If it is the proper thing for one to draw salary, why not for both? since both are working for and from their individual understanding of the same verse in the Bible. Yet the salaried lecturer objects to any one else preaching a different interpretation of the Bible for a price, as it at once shows money the immediate object and aim. The difference of opinion as to a collection of vaguely translated words should not make one disciple uncharitable towards another. Jesus not only cleansed the sinner but he healed the sick. Why is it wrong for the Christian Science doctors to try to use the same manner of healing the sick that Jesus did, in addition to healing the sinner, as the other man does? Is an attempt to make man Godlike, ungodly? Most men attempt to make God manlike. In this "great and progressing nation of Americans" if one man heals sin for five hundred dollars a year, and another heals sin and sickness too for the same price, which is the one more likely to be patronized? It cannot be said with any truth that the first one is any more certain in result than the second. In fact, everything goes to show the second is composed of old and tried followers of the first, which must once more mark the Americans as a progressive and thinking race.
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August 31, 1899 issue
View Issue-
President McKinley and his Views
H. L. N.
Christian Science and Facts
James E. Brierly
A Clear Statement
A Christian Scientist with contributions from Hazlitt
Entertainments for Revenue
The Examiner
By the Way
O. P. Gifford
Resigned to the Will of God
Loyalty to Our Publications
The "State Papers" of Christian Science
Questions and Answers
with contributions from J. C. L., A Student
Some Good Demonstrations
A. G.
Christian Science in Childbirth
A. C. Eddy
with contributions from William B. Johnson