Nine years ago I was a physical wreck, suffering with a...

Denver Republican

Nine years ago I was a physical wreck, suffering with a stomach trouble from which I could find no relief. After trying many physicians, one finally told me he was simply experimenting, as he did not know what the disease was. That caused me to lose all faith in both doctors and medicine, but upon the earnest solicitation of my husband I was preparing to go to New York to consult a noted specialist, when a friend came asking me to try Christian Science. I had no faith in it, but the fact that they gave no medicine appealed to me. I went at once to a Scientist and was cured after the third treatment. Not understanding Christian Science, I insisted on taking treatment for a month, fearing the trouble might return. Since studying the Science and trying to live it, the healing seems small in comparison with the peace and joy it has brought into my life. My heart is filled with gratitude for this blessed Truth. K. Speer.
Denver Republican.

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Testimony of Healing
Christian Science in Childbirth
August 31, 1899

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