How can I feel motivated?

Originally appeared online in the teen series Your Healings -  January 2, 2024

I was having a hard time with school. During my first year of high school, the Covid-19 pandemic shut my classes down, and everything went online. As the school year continued, my grades declined. I didn’t feel motivated to finish any of my work, and I failed a bunch of classes. This wasn’t good, because I needed a certain number of credits to graduate. I started to be stressed and anxious about making it to the next grade level and graduating on time. 

I called a Christian Science practitioner to help me pray about this. I’ve always prayed about things and called a practitioner when I’ve had a challenge, so I was looking forward to the problem being resolved as we prayed together. The practitioner told me that I could go forward without any fear of classes, the pandemic, or anything else because God, who is Love, is loving and guiding me. She also reminded me that because God is perfect and I am God’s expression, I’m also perfect. There are no mistakes in God, so there are no mistakes possible in me. God creates only spiritual perfection. And that includes the ability to effortlessly express God’s perfect order, harmony, and intelligence. 

I started to be stressed and anxious about making it to the next grade level and graduating on time.

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