No more test anxiety

I’ve always been a good student who received good grades, but toward the end of college, I started to experience test anxiety. Even though I studied hard, when I sat down to take exams, I had trouble remembering what I’d learned and even experienced physical symptoms of anxiety. In spite of this, I finished college with reasonably good grades and was hired by a major tech firm after graduation. 

The problem returned when, several years into my career, I wanted to go back to school to get a graduate degree. The thought of taking the graduate school admission test was scary, but I signed up to take it anyway and began studying. 

Even though I studied hard, when I sat down to take exams, I had trouble remembering what I’d learned.

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Healing on the school wilderness trip
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The perfect fit
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When my best friend spread rumors about me
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When I wasn’t healed right away
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I stopped worrying about my summer plans

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