I stopped worrying about my summer plans

My planned summer activities were starting to pile up. It was the end of my junior year of high school, and there was a lot going on. I had a Bible class trip to Greece; I had plans to visit colleges; and I might be doing a cheer camp with my school team. Also, I’m part of a program for high school students who are Christian Scientists, so I was required to complete an internship that most students do over the summer. 

On top of all that, I go to boarding school, so my summers are a cherished time with my family. Now it seemed like that time was disappearing. 

I spoke with my mentor for the internship program, and we came up with some ideas, which included applying to two places that matched my interests and also happened to be near my home. Both places said they would get back to me. But as the deadline to submit my internship plan loomed, neither had responded, and I started to feel behind compared to others in the program. 

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When my best friend spread rumors about me
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When I wasn’t healed right away
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Trusting God with track season
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What comes next?
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When I trusted God, I was healed
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Riding without fear
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Alone in the woods

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