Stressed about AP tests?

High school was proving to be hard. I was in eleventh grade and taking a lot of demanding classes, on top of sports and other extracurriculars. The class that I struggled with the most was an online Advanced Placement (AP) course that I was doing independently. 

The class required me to read a long textbook chapter and take a quiz or write an essay every week. As the midterm exam—worth a big chunk of my grade—approached, I didn’t know how I could possibly be ready. I’d fallen a week behind, and I also found it difficult to focus during the study hall allotted for this class. I didn’t remember anything from the chapters I’d read, and I felt I couldn’t possibly perform well. I was consumed with stress and fear. I needed to get a good grade, and was so disappointed in myself for not preparing as well as I could have. 

I decided that the only way I could get through this was with prayer. I’ve grown up attending Christian Science Sunday School and have relied on prayer to help me through other difficult situations, so I knew it could help me through this, too.

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

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The perfect fit
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How can I feel motivated?
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God gives us everything we need
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When my best friend spread rumors about me
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Lessons I learned at the state championship
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When I wasn’t healed right away
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I stopped worrying about my summer plans
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Trusting God with track season
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My healing was complete
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A week full of healing
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When I trusted God, I was healed
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I found joy again
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Riding without fear

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