Progress for Africa

At the 1884–1885 Berlin Conference, several European nations divided much of Africa among themselves, drawing up borders heedless of ethnicity, language, or local economies. This formalized the colonization already in place and paved a way for it to continue. Though most African countries began regaining their independence in the mid-20th century, this history and its complex legacy still play a role in the Africa of today.

I’ve spent significant time in Africa, and its people are close to my heart. I have made many friends throughout the continent, and at various times we’ve discussed both its bright spots and its continuing needs. My prayers for the world—including Africa—have been encouraged by an idea that emerges from my study and practice of Christian Science, which is that disadvantages are not inevitable for anyone, because true identity—who we truly are now and eternally—isn’t determined or limited by history.

This may seem surprising, since it can appear that everything is the logical, inevitable result of history as part of the chronological evolution of the physical universe itself. But what if everyone’s true identity goes beyond the material appearance of things—is in fact purely spiritual, not a product of physical evolution, but the direct spiritual outcome of the Divine, a manifestation of infinite Life and Love?

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