Who cares if I’m spiritual?

Like many of the questions I get as the teen editor, this one really got me thinking. We do talk a lot about being spiritual in Christian Science. So it’s a fair thing to ask: Why is the fact that we’re spiritual so important? What does it have to do with your daily life, dealing with school, sports, boyfriends and girlfriends, and parents?

And perhaps a question that goes along with that is: What are we even saying when we’re saying “I’m spiritual”? What does that even mean?

Let’s tackle that second question first. When Christian Scientists say “I’m spiritual,” they don’t just mean that they have an interest in spirituality, like someone who says, “I’m a spiritual person.” In Christian Science, being spiritual refers to everyone’s real identity. It’s not something we choose to be, like adopting a certain political affiliation; it’s what we are. There isn’t one single individual you’ll ever meet who isn’t actually a spiritual being, because whether we know it or not, whether we believe it or not, we are each the expression of God, who is Spirit. And Spirit’s expression must be like Spirit—spiritual.

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