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Autumn glory
Originally appeared on spirituality.com
As autumn colors touch leaves and grasses, I look at the beauty of the mountain world in which I live and see the nature of God.
The greens and yellows of the trees initially turn my thought toward the contemplation of God as divine Soul and Spirit. As I look at the spruce, pine, and aspen trees along the road, I see the expression of Soul in their beautiful changing colors, the balance of their branches, their symmetry and skyward reach. Then I look again and see Spirit in the persistence they show to hold on through coming wind and winter snows, to force their way up through rocks and hard clay soil, to endure droughts and fires, while all along unfolding into wonderful sanctuaries for deer, rabbits, and birds.
As I walk, broadtail hummingbirds, some with bright red throats, come to a hover in front of me as near as three feet from my nose. They exhibit the curiosity and fearlessness of divine Mind. They point their long bills at me while they study me and their wings whir in blurs of freedom and energy. Sometimes two of them will zip up, look me over, and then rise effortlessly 50 feet into the air while performing their spirited aerobatics.
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