Reaction to raw honey reversed

When my brother was a young adult, he began beekeeping. Our family enjoyed eating the honey he produced. It was not pasteurized, however, and when my husband and I started our own family, my brother recommended that young children not eat it. 

Years later, when our daughter was nine or ten years old, she made herself a bedtime snack with some of this honey. Soon after, she came to me to say that she felt funny and her face was itchy. I immediately contacted a Christian Science practitioner, who agreed to pray for our daughter.

During this time, I remained calm in order to tend to our daughter, and she showed no signs of fear. To offer her more comfort, I reached for my copy of the Christian Science Hymnal. Each hymn is like a prayer designed to reassure us and to quiet and uplift our thought. One of the hymns that I happened upon includes this verse that I found particularly meaningful:

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Testimony of Healing
Lump healed
September 9, 2024

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