Fractured knee healed

Originally published in French

Three years ago, I fell almost two meters (six and a half feet) into a water evacuation channel built of reinforced concrete. The pain was intense. At the request of concerned family, I had my leg examined by a doctor. According to the X-ray, my left knee was fractured and there was an issue with some bone fragments. The doctor told me I should undergo surgery or I would be handicapped for the rest of my life.

I was very worried. But I knew that prayer awakens us to an understanding of our true nature as children of God. This spiritual nature cannot be corrupted or destroyed. Becoming more conscious of our identity as the image and likeness of God—the great I am, Spirit, Life, Truth, and Love—brings resolution to problems. 

I sent a message to a Christian Science practitioner so that she would help me through prayer. She agreed to and reminded me that God, infinite and omnipresent Love, uplifts and takes care of us in every moment.

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Testimony of Healing
God’s provision in trying times
July 29, 2024

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