The artistry of Love

There are no words I can express, 
no sounds, no thoughts, 
that can plumb the depths
or outline the beauty 
that stirs my heart.

No artist has painted, sculpted,
       formed it.
It is not seen hung on a wall
or mounted on a plinth.

And yet . . . 

I feel it even in the little things:
a door held open with a smile,
the dropped package retrieved,
the gentleness of “Take your time—
             there is no rush”
amidst the bustle of the day.

These simple acts
are more than kindnesses.
They are the activity of Love, God—
       the beauty of Her work,
              Her timeless artistry,
       not in a frame,
              nor on a pedestal
       but forever expressed 
              in acts of Love.

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How I Found Christian Science
I yearned for heaven on earth
July 15, 2024

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