Letters & Conversations

> John Paxton Qualtrough, “ ‘A heart softened, a character subdued,’ ” Sentinel, June 10, 2024

Thank you for printing this outstanding article. Since reading and listening to it, I am making a conscious effort to identify God’s omnipresent qualities and to acknowledge my right to reflect those qualities as His beloved daughter. I am so grateful for this reminder to constantly identify myself and others as Godlike, spiritual, and immortal.

Judith Patterson, Castro Valley, California, US

> TeenConnect, John Biggs, “Do prayer and exercise go together?” cssentinel.com, June 4, 2024

This is a great article. It answers questions that I have had for years.

Pamela Osgood, San Francisco, California, US

> Tony Lobl, “Healing our past hurts,” Sentinel, June 3, 2024

I work in an industry in which popularity and social status are the benchmarks of success. This editorial was so encouraging and empowering for me. Thank you.

Nicholas Woodeson, London, England

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July 15, 2024

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