Quick recovery from a knee injury

While helping my husband dig a trench between two raised gardens in our yard, I injured my knee. I didn’t notice it while we worked, but I went swimming afterward and felt acute pain when kicking. After dinner I accompanied my husband and our dog on a short walk, and by the time we finished, I was limping. 

I spent the evening studying Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and reading bookmarked articles on JSH-Online.com, but “what if” thoughts kept intruding. Before going to bed I prayed, declaring what I knew to be true about my being as a whole, loved child of God. 

During the night the pain woke me intermittently, and when I needed to get up, I was unable to put any weight on the knee. As a very active person, I was discouraged by this. 

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July 15, 2024

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