The “flashlight of Truth”

As we humbly shine the light of Truth into the darkness of material beliefs, we see the truth of the situation.

A distraught father, Jairus, is pleading with Jesus to come and heal his twelve-year-old daughter, who is near death. Then a member of his household arrives with the news that his daughter has just died. Jesus tells Jairus, “Be not afraid, only believe” (Mark 5:36).

Full-grown love shows us that whatever we are afraid of does not exist except in our thought. 

Really? His daughter has just died, and Jesus’ response is to tell the father not to be fearful? That’s a tall order. And Mary Baker Eddy reinforces this directive in this description of how to pray in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: “Christian scientific practice begins with Christ’s keynote of harmony, ‘Be not afraid!’ ” (p. 410). 

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How I Found Christian Science
“Your search is over”
February 12, 2024

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