Letters & Conversations

> Russ Gerber, “What should I do now?Sentinel, September 9, 2024

Wow! What a wonderful example of obedience to God—meeting every need and, in this case, blessing many others as well.

Natalie Coleridge, Alton, Illinois, US

> TeenConnect, Isabel Clark, “God’s guidance during my travels,Sentinel, September 9, 2024

So sweet to know that God’s arms are always around us, no matter what seems to be going on, and that we are being comforted by His angel thoughts.

Mary Bistline, Lake Havasu City, Arizona, US

> Moriah Early-Manchester, “The ‘mind of Christ’ is yours!Sentinel, September 2, 2024

What a beautiful article this is! For the past year, one of my goals has been to understand more about my relationship with the Christ. This article is full of clear, tangible ideas, and I love the audio recording. I’ve added it to my “Super Good” bookmarks folder.

Robin Krauss, Hartford, Wisconsin, US

Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

This is the end of the issue. Ready to explore further?
October 14, 2024

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