Remembering the salt

Prayer that is simply quiet communion is very important.

Originally published for the Christian Science Sentinel online on July 11, 2024

About a year ago,  I noticed that I needed to buy more salt, but for months had kept forgetting to add it to my grocery list. And there were other things related to daily life that I had been forgetting. This pattern was alarming, and I turned to prayer to address it. This was natural for me because I’ve had such wonderful experiences of problems being resolved when I turned to God for solutions: Illnesses and injuries have been healed, lost items found, harmony in relationships restored, and needed supply revealed. 

As I began to pray, Christ Jesus’ words “Ye are the salt of the earth” (Matthew 5:13) came to thought. I looked up what it means to be the salt of the earth, and according to the Cambridge Dictionary, it is to be “very good, honest, and reasonable.” One of the included examples expands on this with “very friendly and straightforward.” I recognized these as spiritual qualities that I value. As I pondered what that might have to do with remembering things, I did what I so often do: I asked God, “What do I need to know about this?”

When I prayed to know what I needed to know in relation to the memory lapses, the answer came, “Just listen.”

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I always have God to turn to
October 14, 2024

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