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We, too, can find respite during trying times, because in everything he did Jesus demonstrated gifts that were all freely given by God.
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Keeping Watch

“I felt reborn”

In a week my health was restored, and I took up my normal activities. 
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While a world of human doubts may tempt us to obsess about what appears as a disintegration of good, we know that all of God’s pure goodness is constantly present in full measure.
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It was clear that God had provided a surprising and comprehensive answer to my brief prayer for a more satisfying approach to studying the Bible. 
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A garden

Enjoy this week’s poetic offering.
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A never-ending Easter

For me, the understanding that Life is God marked the beginning of a never-ending Easter. 
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TeenConnect: Your Healings
She’d been looking forward to a fun weekend with friends she didn’t see very often. But when this teen started dealing with a painful issue with her foot, she knew she needed a solution—fast. That’s why she turned to prayer.
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Early in the pandemic in March 2020, a group of managers at the Christian Science nursing facility where I work made a commitment to pray for the world and for our facility for two hours every morning.
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Testimony of Healing
I’d been moving around freely all day and hadn’t even thought about the difficulty since leaving my car that morning.
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Testimony of Healing
There was a time several years ago when I was seriously sick because of a bowel problem.
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Bible Lens

Doctrine of Atonement

Sanctification includes both setting apart for a holy purpose and equipping with the qualities needed to accomplish it.
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Letters & Conversations

We love hearing from readers. Here’s the conversation this week.
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