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Eye trouble healed
Some years ago when I was recovering from an illness, my vision became cloudy, and I felt discomfort in my eyes. I assumed the trouble was temporary, so I ignored it. But it went on for several days, until it became difficult to see clearly enough to work or drive. I began to fear for my ability to support my young family, and I considered calling a physician.
My trust in God’s healing power felt uncertain. Though I had been brought up in Christian Science and had always enjoyed reading the Christian Science periodicals, the healings I had experienced through prayer had not seemed impressive to me. I wondered when it was going to be my turn for a really big healing.
Finally, I decided to call a Christian Science practitioner for Christian Science treatment. She assured me she would be happy to pray for me. After we talked, the fear began to fade away. Nothing had changed physically, but having put my case in God’s hands, I felt relieved and sat back to wait for the healing to take place.
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March 9, 2020 issue
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From the readers
Fay Christie, Kelly Buchanan, Maddie Cassidy
Bringing our prayers to the threat of contagion
Kevin Graunke
You are brave!
Amy Richmond
A home maintained by God
Gabriela Mejía
Making the mountain a molehill
Amy Humphries
The true spirit of philanthropy
Ingrid Peschke
When my friends dumped me
Jennifer Johnson
Harmonious childbirth
Christiane Heer
Eye trouble healed
William Ward
Pilot’s sudden vertigo gone
Christopher Johnson
Quick recovery from a fall
Claire Fisher
'For flower and fruitage now are seen ...'
Photograph by Carol Lawrence
Mary Baker Eddy