The big picture

Who at some point hasn’t wished for more information about what is going to happen in a specific situation or relationship in our lives? Just a hint of what is ahead would be helpful, so we feel better equipped and don’t lose hope. 

I was in a situation in which I felt very discouraged, and the following Bible account showed me the importance of seeing the big picture.

Elijah, the book of First Kings tells us, was in a circumstance where he appeared to have lost hope (see 19:1–18). Things weren’t going well for him at all. He was a prophet of God at a time when worship of Baal (a false god) was being instituted in Israel, and now Queen Jezebel threatened his life. He fled from her to the wilderness, and requested of God “that he might die.” 

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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
Mountain climbing with Spirit
August 26, 2019

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