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Family healed of cold symptoms
Just as summer was getting underway, my husband, our daughter, and I were all showing cold symptoms. I was tempted for a moment to get angry that I seemed unable to heal the situation and that my ongoing prayers hadn’t protected us from getting colds in the first place. However, I knew these thoughts were egotistical because they were attempting to snatch the title of “healer” away from God.
I called a Christian Science practitioner to help me pray for my family and me. I have learned through my study of Christian Science that reaching out to a practitioner can be an effective step in praying for healing. The simple act of asking for help is a step in destroying pride and guilt, which have never been a part of any of us as God’s children.
While I waited for the practitioner to call me back, I read the Bible and the textbook of Christian Science, Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy. I came upon a passage that helped to answer questions I had about healing. Mrs. Eddy writes, “Christian Science is the law of Truth, which heals the sick on the basis of the one Mind or God. It can heal in no other way, since the human, mortal mind so-called is not a healer, but causes the belief in disease” (p. 482). I realized that neither I nor the practitioner was the actual healer; it was God, who was speaking to us both.
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August 26, 2019 issue
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From the readers
Wanda Grenville Hill, H. Wyeth, Hilly Longmancs
More than just words
Karen Neff
Find safety through understanding one God: How a principal prayed and what took place when shots were fired at school
Name Withheld
When life defies our efforts to plan
Inge Schmidt
The big picture
Susanne van Eyl
Mountain climbing with Spirit
Laura BonneCarrere
Facing down fear
Jaiden VanDeventer
How can I feel close to God?
Deborah Huebsch
Family healed of cold symptoms
Melanie Moser
Quick recovery from a fall
Graham Bothwell
'The divine method of paying ...'
Photograph by Steve Ryf
Out of darkness into light
Larissa Snorek