100 percent healed

One day in ballet class I hurt my spine and my chest a bit when I tumbled forward.

My daddy called a Christian Science practitioner to help me have a healing through prayer. The practitioner reassured me that there are no mistakes or accidents, because God is always taking perfect care of me at every moment. She told me that Mary Baker Eddy wrote about this in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, and she shared the passage with me: “Under divine Providence there can be no accidents, since there is no room for imperfection in perfection” (p. 424). The practitioner also said she would pray for me. 

Just knowing that I hadn’t made a mistake and that I was always safe in God made me feel better, and I stopped feeling afraid. That night my aunt and I also prayed together before I went to bed.

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Testimony of Healing
Effects from boiling-water burn reversed
February 4, 2019
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