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Healing on the dance floor
Filled with delight, I was dancing the cha-cha at the end of two hours of nonstop dancing during a four-hour ballroom dance party. Suddenly, my right jaw went numb, and this numbness quickly began to spread throughout my right arm and down into my right leg.
As a Christian Scientist, I had experienced a lifetime of healings, sometimes through my own prayers, and sometimes with the help of devoted Christian Science practitioners. Although a frightening name for what was happening to me came to thought, I rejected entirely the belief that because of my age I was susceptible to anything unlike what God was giving to me, which included goodness and perfection, freedom of movement, normalcy, joy, and every other good quality.
Because I was entirely convinced of the truth of the Bible promise “There shall no evil befall thee” (Psalms 91:10), and of this statement from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy: “Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness” (p. 468), I refused to accept anything contradictory to those truths. I excused myself from my dance partner and walked out of the dance hall to my car, in spite of the cold February night. In my car, I used my cellphone to call my daughter. “Please pray for me right now,” I said when she answered. She asked, “Where are you? What’s wrong?” I answered, “I am in the parking lot at the dance hall and will be leaving for your house soon. Please pray to know that I am normal and can do all things normally.” I also asked her to help me fully embrace this fact from Genesis: “And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good” (1:31), and to entirely reject any claim that I could be otherwise. She lovingly agreed.
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July 16, 2018 issue
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From the readers
Dilys Bell, Carol Miller
Healing and freedom after abuse and trauma
Name Withheld
Glimpse eternal Life and find freedom from grief
Donald Carey
Who is my family?
Alexandre Fischer
Christ in the classroom
Jane Hickson
‘Seek holy thoughts’
Joan Christine Travis
Protected from assault
Marjorie Thornton
Healed of severe pain
Cate Vincent
Healing on the dance floor
Sonette Tippens
The evidence of the answer
Kim Crooks Korinek
Evil can never separate us from God
Tony Lobl