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From the readers
[Kim Crooks Korinek, “Loving God in a material world,” Sentinel, June 11, 2018]
Wow! Thanks to Kim for her wonderful editorial! What an insightful piece about Love being the basis of everything. The sentence “I realized that the idea of love as a harmonizing, beautifying, and creative force was everywhere” is so powerful. This is such a good article to share with newcomers to Christian Science, so I will be doing just that!
Dilys Bell
via JSH-Online.com
Healing idea
I enjoyed the comment a practitioner shared with the author: “You haven’t been through anything” (Ali Ziesler, “Divine logic and our God-given authority,” Sentinel, April 16, 2018). Not long after reading that statement, while I was at an amusement park, my head snapped back after the initial dip on a roller coaster, and I rode through the next section of track in that position. When I got off, I modified that statement to “I haven’t been through anything.” I was able to maintain that spiritual perspective and refuse to accept the aggressive mental suggestion there would be soreness or stiffness, and neither was experienced.
Carol Miller
Northern California, US
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July 16, 2018 issue
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From the readers
Dilys Bell, Carol Miller
Healing and freedom after abuse and trauma
Name Withheld
Glimpse eternal Life and find freedom from grief
Donald Carey
Who is my family?
Alexandre Fischer
Christ in the classroom
Jane Hickson
‘Seek holy thoughts’
Joan Christine Travis
Protected from assault
Marjorie Thornton
Healed of severe pain
Cate Vincent
Healing on the dance floor
Sonette Tippens
The evidence of the answer
Kim Crooks Korinek
Evil can never separate us from God
Tony Lobl