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From the readers

Many thanks to Diane Marrapodi for her courage and honesty.
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On the web: This JSH-Online.
Why ...?
In today’s demanding times, people are yearning to find answers to challenging problems.
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You matter to God

This understanding overrode and even erased any apparent effects of being unwanted.
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We can correct the wrong assumption that physical causes govern our earth.
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The Christlike man is your and my selfhood now and always.
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Welcoming health and goodness

A thought filled with honesty and a sense of the purity of God’s spiritual man does not play host to dishonesty, unkindness, or selfishness.
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Turning Points in Spiritual Growth
I had always been proud of the religion ingrained in me from childhood.
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For Kids

‘You’re safe’

My friend and I were camping with her family in the desert, and we were having the best time.
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Testimony of Healing
I pulled away from Christian Science some years ago after losing two people very dear to me who were both lifelong Christian Scientists.
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Testimony of Healing
While I was listening to an online Wednesday testimony meeting from The Mother Church, the First Reader read this passage from Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures: “Every system of human philosophy, doctrine, and medicine is more or less infected with the pantheistic belief that there is mind in matter; but this belief contradicts alike revelation and right reasoning”.
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Testimony of Healing

Wasp sting healed

My husband and I were excited about an evening out in the city at the symphony.
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Prayer revealing

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The Bible shows us that we can understand and experience a power that is more than human; it is divine. 
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Bible Lens
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