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Very helpful
[“Overcoming self-righteousness through love,” Connie Coddington, September 5, 2016, Sentinel]
This article is so very helpful. Sometimes we aren’t aware of our hardened opinions and unyielding thoughts until they’re brought to our attention. This article did just that for me. A huge thank you to Connie Coddington!
Diane Wendelberger
via JSH-0nline.com
Delighted to learn
[“New audio programs coming to JSH-Online,” August 8, 2016, JSH-Online.com]
I was delighted to learn of the new audio programming that launched in September. I love the idea of being able to listen to an entire issue of The Christian Science Journal or Sentinel, and the plans for the podcasts sound great. I’ve been grateful for the chats, but it’s time to move forward. This development seems to exemplify our Leader’s statement, “Every step of progress is a step more spiritual” (Mary Baker Eddy, The People’s Idea of God, p. 1).
Thanks to all who are involved in providing the wonderful JSH-Online content.
Marilyn Bradshaw
via JSH-Online.com
Enjoy 1 free Sentinel article or audio program each month, including content from 1898 to today.

October 10, 2016 issue
View Issue-
Diane Wendelberger, Marilyn Bradshaw
Conquering destructive criticism
Marilyn Wickstrom
A government of God
Gloria Jean Preston
The art of spiritual sculpture
Diane P. Dailey
Ruminate? Or accept God’s thoughts?
Ralph Emerson
Truth with a capital T
Brenda Evers
God and the goldfish
Sharon Andrews
Prayer brings healing and spiritual growth
Rachel Tibery Espir
Stomach problem healed
Jeffrey Scott Johnson
Prayer about home heals foot pain
Holly Bolon
Facial scratches from cat gone quickly
Cara Cusack-Theodule
'When we wandered, Thou hast found us ...'
Photograph by Steve Ryf
How and why ‘our prayer makes a difference’
Robin Hoagland