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A government of God
With such a diverse population sharing the earth’s surface, the emotional climate at election time can run high. As issues are articulated, positions taken, and lines of opinion are drawn, citizens can feel caught in the crossfire of a mental battlefield—feeling alienated, outnumbered, angry, depressed, vilified, or misunderstood. One’s hope for harmony in the world, progress for humanity, and an enlightened way of life may appear to be in peril—dependent on those we believe have the power to make or break lives, if elected.
Yet, right when confused or fearful thoughts threaten to tyrannize our hope and goodwill, we have the God-given ability to disconnect from such fears and gain the peace that an understanding of God’s harmonious government and our place in it can provide.
The master Christian, Christ Jesus, never swerved from his spiritual purpose to awaken thought to the allness and sovereignty of God. He taught, “Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 5:3), which to me means, “Happy are those who have the humility of heart to put aside their human opinions, fears, and assumptions, and express the pure, spiritual affection that enables us to gain clearer views of man and the universe as governed by God, not man, and as harmonious, rather than divisive.”
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October 10, 2016 issue
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Diane Wendelberger, Marilyn Bradshaw
Conquering destructive criticism
Marilyn Wickstrom
A government of God
Gloria Jean Preston
The art of spiritual sculpture
Diane P. Dailey
Ruminate? Or accept God’s thoughts?
Ralph Emerson
Truth with a capital T
Brenda Evers
God and the goldfish
Sharon Andrews
Prayer brings healing and spiritual growth
Rachel Tibery Espir
Stomach problem healed
Jeffrey Scott Johnson
Prayer about home heals foot pain
Holly Bolon
Facial scratches from cat gone quickly
Cara Cusack-Theodule
'When we wandered, Thou hast found us ...'
Photograph by Steve Ryf
How and why ‘our prayer makes a difference’
Robin Hoagland