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Healing of chronic back pain
Not long after graduating from college, I began experiencing bouts of severe back pain, which occurred a couple of times a year for quite a few years. Each time it happened, I was incapacitated by the pain and unable to get out of bed. And each time this happened, I asked for prayerful help from a Christian Science practitioner, and the pain disappeared within a few days. I remember on one occasion that the practitioner came to our apartment, sat next to my bed, and prayed for me. During these times, I prayed for myself more diligently, was strengthened by the Christian Science treatments given by the practitioner, and felt I was making spiritual progress. And I’d regain painless freedom of movement.
Because the incidents kept occurring, however, I began curtailing some of my activities. I stopped playing tennis, rode my bike less frequently, and no longer went jogging with my husband, all out of fear that sudden movement or strenuous activity might trigger the pain. I really yearned for full freedom from a condition I knew didn’t come from God, Spirit, who is wholly good and the source of my life and action. I wanted to better understand my identity as the perfect, healthy, beloved, spiritual idea of divine Love. Because of previous healings I’d had through turning to God in prayer, I was confident that this problem could be healed through spiritual means as well.
Some years later, I experienced the worst attack yet. I was in bed for several days, unable to move. I felt a sweet sense of love around me, though, from my husband who read to me and took care of me with such tenderness; from church friends who brought meals to our house; and also from the loving practitioner I had called. The practitioner asked me to memorize a paragraph in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy so that I could pray with the ideas in it and keep my thought filled with God’s goodness and power. The passage begins on page 252, line 31: “Spirit, bearing opposite testimony, saith:
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March 17, 2014 issue
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Tracy Colerider-Krugh, Joy Hinman, Roberta
Challenging pornography with purity
Ron Mangelsdorf
Overcoming differences
Rick Dearborn
Judge? No thanks, I’d rather bless.
Manuela Meier
God-governed children
Jodie Swales
Protected by the ‘panoply of Love’
Name removed by request
Skip the sideshow
Elizabeth Kellogg
Matter’s masks stripped away
Madelon Maupin
Removing a ‘traffic light’
The Board of Trustees, The Christian Science Publishing Society
One boy’s food fed thousands
Mary Trammell
Fish and bread
Ryan, Cassie, Sarah
Grief, bodily growth, and shingles healed
Pat Segars
Muscle strain relieved
Kim Hedge
Healing of chronic back pain
Holly Bolon
Follow the bright white line
The Editors