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Inn or stable?

How often do we have to choose
between the “inn” and “stable”?
These mental states forever call
—to choose the fact or fable.
So often on our journey
we think the inn will give
us comfort, solace, heaven, rest,
—a pleasant way to live.
The stable on the other hand,
unglamorous and still,
demands a quiet, patient calm
that subdues both pride and will.
And mangers foster meekness,
a selfless, holy sense—
that brings true reassurance
and heavenly recompense.
There’s still no room within the inn
for Christly light to dawn;
But stable stall calls wise men now
to daily feel Christ born.
—Jill Gooding
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December 22, 2014 issue
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Frank Stewart, Mindy Stewart , BarbaranMaine, Golfergirl, Judith Cordray, Betty J. Gaines
Love reaches us
Jan Keeler
Christmas all year long
Gloria Cecilia Caro
An outstretched hand
Cheryl Ranson
Finding refuge and rest in God
Georgia Bulloch
The Cry of Christmas-tide
Mary Baker Eddy
Inn or stable?
Jill Gooding
The ‘unspeakable gift’
Mary Trammell
Seeing it all more clearly
Piper Star Foster
Prayer on the football field
Will Johnston
Dominion over flu
Helena Rhonda Bullion
A Christmas full of peace
Sue Penny
No ‘delay’ to God’s present perfection
James Chapman
Severe sore throat healed
Nicholas Johnson
A manger in the heart
Barbara M. Vining